Audio Description

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Making Videos Accessible to Students and Clients Who Are Visually Impaired

Access for all means no student, customer, or employee should have to miss out on a video’s visual content.

At AMAC, we understand the effectiveness of using video in the classroom or the boardroom. Audio description (AD) makes video accessible to blind/visually-impaired persons who would otherwise miss out on information presented visually.

What is Audio Description? - This service is essentially an additional narration track that describes a video’s visual content during natural pauses in the soundtrack. If you see the AD))) symbol while watching TV, that means the program has been audio described and can be accessed by turning on the secondary audio programming (SAP).

How does it benefit the instructor? - Instructors no longer have to choose between omitting video from the curriculum or using valuable classroom time to describe the video themselves. AMAC uses your video—along with any syllabus, rubric, or learning objectives that you provide—to produce a described video that is tailored to meet your needs.

Who else can benefit? - AD also has tremendous benefits for sighted students whose primary mode of learning is auditory. Research shows that AD helps improve the comprehension and retention of information. AD also helps students exercise a critical skill—active listening.

Where else can it be used? - Whether a video is to be used in the classroom, during student orientation, for emergency preparedness, or for training purposes, if it has visual content, it can be described!

AMAC Audio Description Quote - To provide an estimate quote, AMAC Audio Description Services will view your video and determine its level of complexity. In most cases, you will have to provide us the video through a file-sharing service, such as DropBox or Hightail; through an Internet streaming service, such as YouTube or Vimeo; or through FTP. Please email us at caps (at) for additional information.