SAM V1:Class Schedules

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The class schedules table contains the class schedules for each student. A class schedule record exists for each class taken by the student, so if the student has registered for 3 classes, then the one student parent record will have 3 child class schedule records.

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The fields of the class schedules table are:

Field Description
Date Created Date record was created.
Date Modified Date record was last updated.
Class Schedule ID# Unique ID# of the record.
Record Owner User who owns the record.
Last Modified By User who last modified the record.
Course Name or number of the course. Course is required.
Description Description of the course.
End Time Time the course instruction ends.
Friday Check if the course is taught on Friday.
Instructor Name of instructor teaching the course.
Instructor Email Email of the instructor teaching the course.
Instructor Phone Phone number of the instructor teaching the course.
Location Physical location (i.e.: building and room number) where the course is taught.
Monday Check if the course is taught on Monday.
Notes Notes regarding the class schedule. The notes field is a cumulative field and date stamped with the date, time and user adding the notes.
Print Faculty Accommodation Notification Use this link to print the faculty accommodation notification letter for the student. The faculty accommodation notification letter contains the instructor and course name.
Saturday Check if the course is taught on Saturday.
Sunday Check if the course is taught on Sunday.
Start Time Time the course instruction begins.
Student ID The student the class schedule is related to. Student ID is required.
Term Term the student is taking the class: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer, etc. Term is required.
Tuesday Check if the course is taught on Tuesday.
Thursday Check if the course is taught on Thursday
Wednesday Check if the course is taught on Wednesday.
Year Year the student is taking the class. Year is required.

Back to SAM V1 Tables

SAM can import data by utilizing the functionality provided by QuickBase.

There are two SAM tables that can be data imported from Banner: student and class schedules . The Banner data extract format can be either a CSV file or a tab-delimited text file. Ideally the end-user should be able to run the Banner extract on demand and save the data to a local file. This local file would then be loaded by the end-user into SAM using the QuickBase import data feature.

EACH DSP SHOULD SUBMIT A COPY OF THE STUDENT AND CLASS SCHELULES DATA TO THEIR BANNER IT REPRESENTATIVE. From that point the Banner IT representative can assemble a script containing all students receiving disability services. Now the DSP has a list from Banner that contains all of the required fields for SAM. The Banner IT representative should make the script into a process that the DSP can use weekly to update SAM.

The Banner Student extract should contain a single row for each student. The student extract would not contain a row for every student in Banner, so a mechanism must be in place within Banner to identify or flag disability services students, as only those students should be included in the extract.

The Banner class schedule extract should contain a single row for each class of a student. For example, if a student is taking three classes, there would be three rows of data, one for each class with the same student identifier. The class schedule extract would not contain a row for every student class in Banner, so a mechanism must be in place within Banner to identify or flag disability services students, as only the class schedules of those students should be included in the extract.

The SAM application contains the follow data elements for class schedule:

E-mail the DSP a copy of this table below: X:\Share\Tech data\SAM V1\Banner BANNER to SAM.doc

The SAM application contains the follow data elements for class schedule:

Field Data Type Possible Banner Feed
Unique Student ID (ss#) varchar yes
Term varchar yes
Year varchar yes
Course varchar yes
Description varchar The name the student prefers to go by
Instructor varchar yes
Instructor Phone varchar
Instructor Email varchar
Location varchar yes
Monday boolean yes
Tuesday boolean yes
Wednesday boolean yes
Thursday boolean yes
Friday boolean yes
Saturday boolean yes
Sunday boolean yes
Start Time timeofday HH:MM AM OR PM yes
End Time timeofday HH:MM AM OR PM yes
Notes varchar