SAM V2:Components

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If an order requires alternate media production, you can track the individual production pieces using components. For example, you could break production of the book into 3 components: chapters 1 – 5, chapters 6 – 10, and chapters 11 – 15. Each component could be assigned to a different individual so that production could occur in parallel. The components table, therefore, is a child table to orders.

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The fields of the components table are:

Field Description
assigned_to Individual responsible for completing the task. The individual must have a SAM V2 user account.
completed_date The date the component was completed.
description Description of the component.
due_date The date the component is due to be completed.
duration The number of hours spent to complete the component.
last_updated Date record was last updated.
notes Notes regarding the task.
quantity The number of pages produced for the component.
status Status of the component: New, Pending, Completed, Cancelled. Status is required.
oid The order the component is related to. Order is required.
uid Unique ID# of the record.
updated_by User who last modified the record.