SAM V2:customization

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Since SAM V2 is open-source software, it is easily customized with a working knowledge of HTML, PHP, MySQL, and the SAM source code/database structure.

Tables Names and Directory Structure

  Table Name Subdirectory Name
Student students student
Disabilities disabilities disability
Accommodations accommodations accommodation
Consents consent_types consent
Referrals referrals referral
Case Notes case_notes case
Tasks tasks task
Documentation documentation doc
Tests tests test
Class Schedules class_schedules schedule
Orders orders order

How to Add a Field to a Table and Form

1. Add the field to the underlying table in MySQL. For example, to add a field called evaluator_name to the disabilities table, you would execute a SQL statement similar to:

alter table disabilities add column evaluator_name varchar(50) … 

Or you could use the MySQL workbench to alter the table.

2. In the disability subdirectory, you will need to modify the programs add.php, edit.php, and view.php to handle the new evaluator_name field.

3. In add.php, you would add a table row for the new field with 2 table columns, one for the field label, and one for the input of the value for evaluator_name.

   <td align="right"><label for="evaluator_name"><strong>Evaluator Name</strong></label></td>
      <input type="text" name="evaluator_name" />

4. If the field requires validation, then the validateForm javascript function should be modified to perform validation. For example, to make the evaluator_name field required, add:

if(theForm.evaluator_name.value == "") {
   alert('Please enter a value for the "Evaluator Name" field.');
   return (false);

5. In edit.php, the same changes made to add.php must be made. In addition, a variable must be created called $evaluator_name that reads the $row[‘evaluator_name’] returned in $results and this variable should be displayed as the value for the HTML input field for evaluator_name.

if (isset($i)) {
   $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM disabilities WHERE uid = '$i'");
   $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
   $sid = $row['sid'];
   $disability = $row['disability'];
   $specification = $row['specification'];
   $type = $row['type'];
   $evaluator_name = $row['evaluator_name'];
   <td align="right"><label for="evaluator_name"><strong>Evaluator Name</strong></label></td>
      <input type="text" name="evaluator_name" value="<?php echo $evaluator_name; ?>" />

6. In view.php, a variable must be created called $evaluator_name that reads the $row[‘evaluator_name’] returned in $results. This is the same change made in edit.php detailed in step 5. A table row for the new field needs to be created with 2 table columns, one for the label and one to display the $evaluator_name field without allowing input.

   <td align="right"><strong>Evaluator Name</strong></td>
   <td bgcolor="#f0f0f0"><?php echo $evaluator_name; ?></td>